The Emergency Services providers of the City of Neodesha urge all citizens and visitors to be prepared for emergencies.
We stand ready 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for those in need.
Be Prepared
We encourage our community members to be prepared for emergencies. To help, we have these public safety features:
Emergency Alerts
Sign up for emergency alerts:
- Nixel: Nixle is a mass communication service that allows the City of Neodesha to notify subscribers via email or cell phone of any emergencies, community events, or disruptions of daily routines. Not only does the City of Neodesha have a Nixle account, but you can also register to be notified via Nixle of school events, closings, etc. There are many others as well. To subscribe, or for additional information, visit their website.
- CodeRed: CodeRed is a community notification program. Wilson County is enrolled, so our residents and businesses can add or update their contact information to ensure they will be included when emergency notifications are sent out. Unlisted numbers, mobile numbers, TDD/TTY requirements can all be entered. Visit their website to get started.
Storm Sirens
In the event of a severe weather situation like a tornado, we have storm sirens located throughout the city. In case of an emergency, you will hear… [TYPE OF ALARM / STEADY / HIGH-PITCHED, ETC, & ANY ANNOUNCEMENT, ETC.]
Shelter Locations
Many businesses provide their own shelters. The city also has the following shelter locations available for residents and visitors: [MAP AND LOCATION LIST]
Contact Emergency Services
- Police Department: 620-325-3031
- Fire Department: 620-325-2642
- Emergency Medical Services: 620-325-2642
- Wilson Medical Center: 620-325-2611