Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad: A “mighty fine line” and a “mighty fine meal”: The Rock Island’s Rocket

Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 6:00pm



As the song says, the Rock Island line was indeed a mighty fine line in Kansas, remembered as being the lifeblood of agriculture and the builder of so many communities in our state. Today, the Abilene and Smoky Valley Railroad stands as a descendent of the Rock Island legacy, as our 1887 depot carries the Rock Island name and reminds us of the heyday of freight and passenger service in the Central Kansas region. The A&SV Dining Car Heritage series presents a special tribute to the Rock Island, as our dinner train, the Smoky Valley Limited, recreates a menu from the Rock’s well known passenger train, the Rocket. Lucinda’s Katering of Abilene is recreating a 1940s Rocket dining car menu, with chicken fricassee, Kentucky style potatoes and stewed corn, with coleslaw, dinner rolls and butter, and, for dessert, chocolate cake. Iced tea and water will accompany the meal. Our two-hour train ride on air conditioned comfort is a great way to spend your Saturday evening! Join us at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, as the A&SV Smoky Valley Limited presents a taste of Kansas railroad history!

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200 SE 5th Street, Abilene KS 67410


Call: (785) 263-1077

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